Preserving and Promoting the Family History of Pearl River County

Newsletter – February 2012

Dear Members,

Since our opening on January 16th, we have had over 70 visitors. These include those from the groundbreaking for the new City Hall, which will be constructed across the street, where we invited attendees for drinks and snacks.

The volunteers are doing a great job organizing the genealogy files and going through and filing half dozen boxes of miscellaneous unfiled material. When we finish inserting the unfiled material we will be able to begin indexing and digitizing the genealogy files.

I’ve attached pictures to give you an idea on how we’re set up. We still have a lot of renovations to do. I’m building shelves in our storage room to store less significant items such as genealogical journals, telephone books and items not associated with the Pearl River County area.

We received a donation of a newer computer (the ones we have are slow and lack storage), have it set up with Microsoft Office Pro and a batch scanner. Have also set up another scanning station in the office that has legal capability.

Thanks to Judy Smith, the County has loaned us hundreds of Civil War pension petitions (legal size) from the early 1900’s. We’ve already begun scanning them and they should be ready for inquiry soon. For those of you who live here, Hilda’s genealogy files, and the Cemetery books are ready for research, and those of you who live out of town, we will try to accommodate research inquiries. There will be small costs for copying and mailing which will be figured for each inquiry.

Had a nice experience recently. The City was looking for pictures of Fire Chiefs to place in the Train Depot and was lacking Barney Whitfield, the city’s first fire chief. Found a good copy in Hilda’s collection and loaned it to the city to complete their portfolio. Another individual came in to research ancestors, essential for a college grant. This is what we’re about. Our vision is to become the repository of genealogical and historical information for the County and surrounding area.

Had a Hilda Archive display at the welcome center during February. Picture attached. Our last meeting featured Gloria Penton and Marilyn Weston’s presentation of “Genealogy 101.” Had around 26 attendees and the 45 minute presentation lasted 1 ½ hours. Convinced them to hold a class at the archive for the month of March. Will let you know how that turns out. Also will contact grammar schools in the area to try to get students involved in basic genealogies for their families.

We will also host the Genealogy Club for their meeting in May. Am applying for a national preservation award for the museum and archive. No money involved but will help in application for future grants. 

We have long-term plans for another building in the lot behind the building (picture). This will require large donations and grants. Membership renewals are coming in slow. We rely mainly on membership dues to pay our bills so try to be diligent in sending your checks when you receive the notice from Sara. I will be e-mailing those of you who forgot to renew.

We have 134 members and need another 70 to meet our commitments. Be thinking of a membership drive and incentives for members to recruit. Maybe providing research hours from our volunteers and copies of research material, or copies of family and local histories. Send me your ideas.

We’ve come a long way (and have a longer way to go), but what we’re providing is a first in Pearl River County, and vital to the community. So much has been lost already and so much is out there that is not easily available.   Let me hear from you.

Don Wicks, Chairman  



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