Preserving and Promoting the Family History of Pearl River County

2013 Picayune Street Fair

The Picayune Street Fair was Saturday and there seemed to be more booths and old cars than in years past. The street was very active.

Helen and I got to the Williams Street house at 8:30 and found the two tents up and the volunteers busy setting up. Ed was the only able bodied man and was much in demand. If I counted right there were 9 worker bees. There was an amazing amount of stuff on display. The street was closed to traffic and the Church parking area was much in use. The foot traffic was drawn in by the clever signs made by Lorraine, our banker. The pricing of water and cokes was a bargain compared to the stuff on the street.

An unbelievable amount of treasures walked out and the tables never looked empty as shuffling and re-supply kept them attractive.

The folks stopping by were friendly and there were many old and new friends to chat up. We were happy that Don and his wife dropped by and that his eye surgery was a success.

The event was blessed by great weather.

The crowds started thinning out about 1:00 and we started packing up about 2:00 figuring closing at 3:00.

Thanks to Helen hiring Chuck King, the storage room was available to take care of the left overs which will be available for Nov. already priced.


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