Preserving and Promoting the Family History of Pearl River County

May 3, 2012 New City Hall Dedication


May 3, 2013 was a very interesting day. It was the dedication of the new City Hall and was attended by Gov. Bryan, Sen. Palazzo and notables down the line. Dr Ed Pinero, Mayor and City Mgr. Jim Luke did a fine MC job and the speeches were appropriate and notably short. The Flag raising went well and the Wm. Carey quartet and band from Picayune High School performed . A large, enthusiastic crowd filled the area. A light sprinkle cut the program by about 10 minutes. One could take in the entire proceedings from our front porch.

Al Showers, from WLOX recorded the program (Click to read the WLOX article).  He remembered Helen from the Old Cemetery and joined us in the building saying he had hoped to find another story. Helen gave him the tour and he taped everything. He then interviewed Helen and she performed as if it was an every day deal. Hope we can get the tape(s).

There was a short, touching ceremony by Wade dedicating the Melanie Room and plaque with Helen reading the inscription. Media and Latrell Taylor had the food laid out in the kitchen and serving started early. They are now paid members and Media a Volunteer for Fridays.

The 18′ of tables and chairs were impressive with table cloths and flowers and it was not crowded, every one could move around and access the delicious food. It was really good and leftovers for those that wanted. Hosts were Bob & Helen and Sara.

Russell Foster of The Gainsville Volunteers joined us bringing a package of Civil War material. Helen passed around some photos we made of Charles Gray’s Labrano Building at BSL, a really fine Historical library. I’m sorry that I didn’t get one of the museum section with Charles playing the organ.

Sue addressed the concerns voiced by Don on the matter of the temporary storage of the picture boards jeopardizing our 501c3 status. She and Wade had done research including legal council and found that such a minor adjustment is of no consequence. We are a work in process.

Following this the Board Members adjourned to the Melanie Room. Sara joined on open line.

The following were attendees:

Sue & Ed Pinero

Bob & Helen Clunie

Wade & Terry Stewart

Clair Howard

Carol Phares

Marilyn Weston

Gloria Penton

Sue Foster

Lorraine Harper

Mike Lee

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